There are 8 files totally, include “Demo_script.R”, “FarmCPU_functions.txt”, “FarmCPU_help_document.pdf”, “gait_functions.txt”, “mdp_numeric.txt”, “mdp_SNP_information.txt”, “mdp_traits_validation.txt”, “README.txt”. “Demo_script.R” is a demo script for a quick start of FarmCPU; “FarmCPU_functions.txt” is FarmCPU source code; “FarmCPU_help_document.pdf” is FarmCPU user manual; “gait_functions.txt” is GAPIT (an R package) source code and FarmCPU use it for plot figures, this is also public available at: ‘'; “mdp_numeric.txt” is a genotype data for test; “mdp_SNP_information.txt” is a SNP map information data for test; “mdp_traits_validation.txt” is a phenotype data for test; “README.txt” is a brief introduction of the files. For “mdp_traits_validation.txt”, the first column is taxa name, from column 2 to column 5 are three real phenotypes: “EarHT”, “dpoll” and “EarDia”, last five columns are simulated traits with heritability of 0, 0.25, 0.05, 0.75 and 1.00. The coresponding QTNs are indicated below. h2=0.25 SNP Chromosome Position PZB02227.4 10 123742392 PZB01042.1 9 22041092 PZB02215.10 7 9142868 PZB00174.1 7 104898621 PZA00125.8 4 36047549 PZA03384.2 2 193285152 PZA02808.12 2 44606596 PZA00515.10 2 169265278 PZA00364.5 1 268082607 PZA01280.2 2 149428645 h2=50% SNP Chromosome Position PZA00579.6 9 147384958 PZB02534.2 8 128277210 PZA00705.5 1 95897171 PZA02479.1 4 218367682 PZA00495.4 2 170377910 PZA00363.6 3 132192142 Fea2.4 4 132736424 PZA00297.2 3 39992968 PZA03376.2 4 120655387 PZA00652.14 5 198380640 h2=75% QTN.position=c(1257,1973, 2676, 1754, 1533, 1644, 2232, 2663, 1045, 2286)# this can be used to plot dotted lines for QTNs in manhattan plot SNP Chromosome Position PZB01186.2 7 119650229 PZA03042.5 5 64413280 PZA03446.1 8 168485696 PZB00451.1 3 120915995 PZA00158.2 6 14057156 PZA03205.1 4 202883367 PZA03344.3 7 22002684 PZA03303.7 5 7648691 PHM3342.31 3 216028374 PZA01290.1 8 171827952 h2=100% SNP Chromosome Position PZA03675.2 7 61312392 PZA00069.4 5 214424975 PZA02808.12 2 44606596 PZA00527.10 2 216833071 PZA01946.7 7 123601837 PZA00947.1 9 96885738 PZA00096.26 7 144013500 PZA00498.5 8 48775713 PZA00702.5 3 185760526 PZA00663.5 4 141267246